Stupidity is King in Liverpool

Ég fann eina skemmtilega frétt frį Dubai varšandi yfirtökuna į Liverpool. Svo viršist sem aš Liverpool hafi ekki alveg gert rétt hlutina eša ég er nokkurn vegin sammįla žessari frétt. Held aš DIC muni bara kaupa annaš liš ķ deildinni og gera žaš aš algjöru stórveldi. En kannski veit mašur ekki alla söguna, en mķn tilfinning er sś aš betra sé aš selja ķžróttališ til žeirra sem eitthvaš vita um sportiš.

The news that DIC have pulled out making an offer for Liverpool FC has started to hit the wires and to be honest I don't blame Dubai International Capital (DIC) for pulling out. The Liverpool board have effectively made the worst business decision ever in the history of the world!

You don't turn down the Sheikhs in business, it's not the done thing they will take their money and go elsewhere. All I can say, and this is as a Liverpool fan, it serves the board right. Although I was all for examining other bids the board should have known how close the DIC deal was they should have sensed the anger in Sheikh Mohammed.

And to be quite honest it still is incomprehensible how the deal fell apart. Gillet has only offered £8m more than the DIC offer, and when you're bandying around figures of over £80m, it is hardly a splash in the ocean. Indeed, the last thing DIC would want to get into was a bidding war!

Let's work this out, Dubai will have it's own Sports City in a few years; clubs are lining up to create acadamies there; Man Utd already have one and Liverpool would have been in prime position to get the pick of the developments.

DIC are a billion pound mega monster of a company, who could buy George Gillet out about 10 times and still have money left to waste away. Mohammad Al-Anasari is Liverpool fan, he was buying the club not for money but for football and only that. George Gillet is the only man to ever make a bid for a football club who is worse than Malcolm Glazer.

This is a shock to me and a shock to us all!


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1 identicon

Hef heyrt žvķ fleygt aš DIC ętli sér aš kaupa QPR og gera žaš aš stórveldi, QPR veršur žvķ ķ meistaradeildinni innan fįrra įra.

Sel žaš ekki dżrara en ég keypti žaš.

Maggi (IP-tala skrįš) 8.2.2007 kl. 18:38

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